Partout (Blind Bird)
18+ with valid study ID
Or 18-25 years without study ID
26+ years without study ID
18+ with valid study ID
Or 18-25 years without study ID
26+ years without study ID
18+ with valid study ID
Or 18-25 years without study ID
26+ years without study ID
Notice: You must be 18+ to buy a ticket
Generator festival is the big study start party of Odense. The festival always takes place at the beginning of September. In 2025 the dates are the 5th and 6th of September.
The festival is a celebration of the students of our city with music and one big two-days party. There are going to be concerts playing on a total of two different stages. The artists playing will be of both the big mainstream kind and a lot of upcoming artists on their way up as well. Therefore, the music genre is going to be pop, rock, urban, hip hop, and EDM. This festival creates the perfect surroundings for hanging with your new study buddies. During the two days, we will make sure there are a lot of chilling areas you can sit at and a lot of beer pong tables as well.
Check out our program here or on our social media.
Generator Festival is arranged by the association We Celebrate Odense, which is created by Studenterhus Odense, Musikhuset Posten, and Slagteriet. The festival is supported by Odense Kommune and sponsored by Albani.
The festival is only for 18+ years.
If you are a tutor and you want to bring your new fellow students to the Generator festival please contact us for a special group offer on tickets and a chance to do a pre-party. You can write [email protected] for more info.
Generator festival cannot take place without help from amazing volunteers. The application for volunteers to Generator 2025 has not opened yet.
The festival is from the 5th to the 6th of September 2025.